Gideon Preiss

Gideon Preiss has worked as a professional musician since he was a teenager, and completed his Bachelor of Music at Monash University in 2005. He has co-written and co-produced four records with critically acclaimed Australian band Husky and has toured extensively both at home and internationally. He has experimented with a wide range of musical styles and has collaborated with many of Australia’s best musicians. Gideon has written for film and television and continues to perform, write and hone his skills as a pianist, composer and songwriter here in Melbourne. He has a new collection of solo piano compositions to be released this year.


Opening Night Gala: In Our Nature

Join us as Melbourne Jewish Book Week presents In Our Nature – an opening night of original storytelling featuring writers, musicians and  performers live on stage at Melbourne’s Memo Hall.  Travel to landscapes near and far, real and imagined, thriving and disappearing. Meet creatures of flight, fur, and fancy from places urban and  remote, vast…

Saturday May 28, 2022