Australia has had the largest influx of Holocaust survivors post war outside of Israel. Those survivors are now few in number leaving second and third generations to piece together their family’s stories. Rachelle Unreich has captured her mother’s story in A Brilliant Life. Tess Schofield -Peters’s book, Dear Mutzi tells of her grandfather’s experience fleeing Nazi Germany and Louise Helfgott explores her Polish family’s Holocaust past. This trio of authors discuss why they have detailed these dark family stories and what they learned by doing so.


Rachelle Unreich

Rachelle Unreich has been a journalist for 38 years, contributing to publications including The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian and Harper’s Bazaar. Her first book, A Brilliant Life, tells the story of her mother Mira, a Holocaust survivor, and has been published in Australia, NZ, the US, UK, Canada and South Africa. It was…

Louise Helfgott

Louise Helfgott is an award-winning writer with a PhD in Creative Writing from Edith Cowan University. Recent credits include Thistledown Seed, published July 2022 by Brandl and Schlesinger and shortlisted Dorothy Hewett Awards, 2018, WA Premier’s Book Awards 2023; Potchnagoola, commissioned and staged by the Katharine Susannah Prichard Centre, October 2019; Light of her Eye…

Tess Scholfield-Peters

Tess Scholfield-Peters is a Sydney–Eora based writer and academic currently based at the University of Technology Sydney where she teaches creative writing. Tess began her writing career in community journalism and has since completed her doctorate, for which she wrote her first book Dear Mutzi (NLA Publishing), a hybrid narrative non–fiction about her grandfather’s migration…

Steven Cooke

Dr Steven Cooke is the CEO of the Melbourne Holocaust Museum. He has over 30 years’ experience in the cultural heritage sector across both museums and academia, and has published extensively on both the historical evolution of Holocaust museums and memorials, and new approaches to sharing Holocaust survivor testimony. His work has led the Australian…