Louise Helfgott

Louise Helfgott is an award-winning writer with a PhD in Creative Writing from Edith Cowan University. Recent credits include Thistledown Seed, published July 2022 by Brandl and Schlesinger and shortlisted Dorothy Hewett Awards, 2018, WA Premier’s Book Awards 2023; Potchnagoola, commissioned and staged by the Katharine Susannah Prichard Centre, October 2019; Light of her Eye Todhunter Literary Award, 2014; Staged 2018 Perth Fringe Festival; Frames staged Subiaco Arts Centre, 2014; A Closer Sky nominated AWGIE award, 2005; The Bridge – shortlisted New Musicals Australia 2011; Can You Hold the Sun? – Poetry anthology published by Free XpresSion 2004


Revelations: Poetry as Performance

Poetry lends itself to being lifted off pages and into the air. When asked to read their own work poets might consider how and why some verses wield performative power in terms of theme, rhythm and sounds. Some resonate and echo — travel through space with striking clarity or confounding chaos. Join Alex Skovron, Louise...

Sunday August 18, 2024

Unforgotten: The Shoah and ancestors lost

Australia has had the largest influx of Holocaust survivors post war outside of Israel. Those survivors are now few in number leaving second and third generations to piece together their family’s stories. Rachelle Unreich has captured her mother’s story in A Brilliant Life. Tess Schofield -Peters’s book, Dear Mutzi tells of her grandfather’s experience fleeing...

Sunday August 18, 2024