Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo

Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo is the author of My Father’s Shadow (Monash University Publishing, 2023). She grew up in St Kilda and spent time in New York City. Her short stories and poems have been published in Griffith Review and Westerly, among others. Her novel, The Book of Rachel, was published by Allen & Unwin and later translated into German. Sandra’s business, Dead Set, was the first desktop publishing company established to work specifically with book and journal publishers. Concurrently, she also worked for forty years as a freelance non-fiction editor for leading academic and trade publishers. Today she lives in central Victoria where she cooks, writes, and gardens.


Shaping Identity, Writing the Soul – Memoir

How does our sense of self form, and how much of our identity is shaped by our genes, by the imprint of our forebears and by our own life experience? In this session, Debbie Lee speaks with Hilton Koppe, Sandra Goldbloom Zurbo and Michelle Scheibner, three authors who follow different paths but find common ground in the...

Sunday August 18, 2024