Magdalena Ball is a writer, reviewer, moderator, interviewer, Vice President of Flying Island, and Managing Editor of Compulsive Reader. Her writing has appeared in a wide range of journals and anthologies, and has won many awards. She is the author of several novels and poetry books, most recently, Bobish, a verse-memoir of her great-grandmother Rebecca Lieberman, published by Puncher & Wattmann in 2023

Magdalena Ball

For the Love of Bubba
Oma, bubba, nanna, gran – whatever we know them by, our grand and great grandmothers leave an indelible mark. Yet their matriarchal reach and rich histories are often untold or defined by stereotype, undermining the complexity and vibrancy of their lives. In this panel, three writers re-imagine their grandmothers’ lives across genre, from poetry to...

Revelations: Poetry as Performance
Poetry lends itself to being lifted off pages and into the air. When asked to read their own work poets might consider how and why some verses wield performative power in terms of theme, rhythm and sounds. Some resonate and echo — travel through space with striking clarity or confounding chaos. Join Alex Skovron, Louise...