Idan Ben Barak

Idan Ben Barak writes science books, usually for children; they’ve been translated into
over twenty languages and won a few awards. He lives in Melbourne with
his wife and their two boys. Sometimes, after they go to bed, he plays his
guitar a bit. He has degrees in microbiology and in the history and philosophy of
science, a diploma in library studies, and a day job that has very little to
do with any of the above.


The World According to Idan — Children’s Session

Idan Ben Barak’s Do Not Lick This Book! can be found in most homes around Australia. Idan likes writing about things in the world – and ourselves – that we normally don’t pay attention to. Come and find out about what your brain can and cannot do; how many senses you really have (hint: more...

Sunday August 18, 2024