Diane Armstrong

Diane Armstrong is a child Holocaust survivor from Poland who arrived in Australia with her parents in 1948. She is an award-winning journalist and best-selling author. Her first book, Mosaic, was short-listed for several major Australian literary awards. The Voyage of their Life was short-listed for the NSW Premier’s Award. Her first novel, Winter Journey, was short-listed for the Commonwealth Literary Award. Since then she has written five historical novels, all set during World War II. Her recent novel, The Wild Date Palm, is based on the true story of a Jewish family in Ottoman Palestine during World War 1.


When Fact Becomes Fiction: Bringing history to life

The scale of history can be overwhelming. Fiction allows us to focus on the individual. Our panel of Australian Jewish authors has recently published four acclaimed novels all with Jewish protagonists. A life in middle-class Vienna upended by the Great War; a woman leading an extraordinary spy ring in Palestine; a self-effacing Japanese diplomat saving...

Sunday August 18, 2024